Friday, September 7, 2018

One Semester To Go...

The first two weeks of fall semester are now behind me and it has definitely been an eventful couple of weeks (and it has nothing to do with school).

I am finishing up my final two classes for my degree this semester – Writing for Strategic Communication and Communication for Social Change.  Both classes start at 8:20am, so getting up early has been a little difficult, but being finished by 11am is very nice!

My first class on Monday is Writing for Strategic Communication.  It is the final of the four core classes required for my degree.  I was originally supposed to take this class last fall, but dropped it in order to have a more manageable course load last year.  Throughout the semester, we will be writing different communication pieces and then will put together a final project based on an organization of our choice.

On Tuesdays, I have my Communication for Social Change class, which is my final elective required for my degree.  Unfortunately, I did not make it to class the first week because my car got rear-ended on the way to campus.  So instead of being in class, I spent the day talking to my car insurance, getting my car towed, getting a rental car, etc.  Luckily, I have a classmate from last year who is in my class and I was able to find out what I missed in class.  Being the first class, I didn’t miss much except introductions, going over the syllabus and talking about our semester-long project that we will be working on during the class.  I am looking forward to this class because throughout the semester we will be working on a communication campaign for a social change issue of our choice. Mine will probably be connected to a youth literacy issue.

This semester will be different from my experience in grad school last year.  Other than the few classmates in my Tuesday class that I know from last year, it is a whole new group of students in my Monday class.  It was weird going to that class and not knowing any of the other students because they are all in the new cohort for the Strategic Communication program.  Like in my cohort, there is a mix of students -  some coming straight out of undergrad, some that have worked for several years before going back to school and also some who are currently working and going to school part-time. 

I will also be spending less time on campus this semester since I only have one class each on Monday and Tuesday mornings.  That will obviously allow me to have more time for my other commitments that I have this semester.  Although, I do hope to get to campus for a few events and speakers throughout the semester if the timing works with my schedule.

While I only have two classes this semester, the remainder of my time will be spent working a few days per week at Barnes & Noble and also completing an internship at Everybody Wins! DC.  They are a DC area children’s literacy non-profit organization (more about that in an upcoming post).

Like last year, one of my biggest challenges will be managing my time between classes, work and the internship and also taking time for myself and focusing on things outside of school and work.  I will spend a decent amount of time on Metro, so I hope to get a good amount of reading for pleasure done.  Because I am attending a university in DC, I am able to swim at any of the DC parks and recreation aquatic centers for free using my student ID, so of course I will continue to take advantage of that!  There is a nice indoor pool across the street from the Metro station near campus (and they even have the pool set up for long course a few days per week)!

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Doing Good with my Degree

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